Monday, November 21, 2016

Nexiin Taggart

A petty smuggler, Nexiin Taggart was known for his bad luck. Whether it was his freighter, the Dalandae Dandy, breaking down or his smuggling contacts getting picked up by authorities, Taggert earned the reputation as a bad luck magnet. In 0 BBY, he managed to pick up a job from Zambarti crime boss Big Bunji hauling a shipment of spice from Arkanis to Hutt Space. Everything was going smoothly until his hyperspace conked out over Tatooine. Getting in touch with a former compatriot Han Solo, Solo agreed (begrudgingly) to finish his run for half of the payout. After landing, using only his maneuvering and dumb luck, he hurried to the meeting spot. Entering the Cantina, he found that his friend Solo had left with a young farmboy and a hermit. Once again, Nexiin was up poodoo creek without a paddle.

1 comment:

  1. Nice connection to the Original Trilogy. Han always had a few schemes running at one time!
